Miss Parker!
I met Miss Parker in the year 2000, we both started working for a company in London
at pretty much the same time, almost straight away we began our ritual of lunch in the canteen together consisting of a baked potato, cheese and baked beans. I'm sure people used to laugh at us, we were like a pair of old women, particular about what we wanted and how it should be constructed, we would then sit there and gas for an hour. We became very close friends and often would go on holiday together or do weekend trips in the UK. We have spent a few years in different countries but when ever we catch up again it's always very easy and as if we've never been apart. Rechelle is a special friend.
We've both had our ups and downs in the years that we've known each other and i'd say we've both always been there to support each other, even if the other one is millions of miles away. I'll always be in touch with Miss Parker, she's a very special girl. Before i left Oz i spent a weekend with Rechelle in Sydney. We had so much fun, remembering old times and just enjoying each others company. Rechelle was given a romance package at a five star hotel, which we used much to the hotel staffs amusement. She has settled back in Australia now having spent over 5 years in the UK. She has bought a house and i think really enjoying the idea of being in one place for a while. I miss you hon.
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