Theatre outing.
It was nice to walk out of the office yesterday
evening and drive north to the Lakeside Orphanage - NACA. I had arranged to take the kids (32 in total) to Sovanna Phum theatre. This is a theatre that concentrates on Cambodian traditional dance and puppetry. It is well established and has good support and funding, it also runs a number of courses for national students to become professional performers in these arts. Most of the performers have been working at the theatre for over 5 years and it's become really popular with regular performances on Friday and Saturday nights.
I think the best sight of the night for me was getting there and seeing all the kids dressed up in their best clothes, they had all just taken showers and their hair had been neatly arranged, i'm sure by the "big" mama. They were so excited and proud to be going on an trip, it was really nice to be part of it all. I'd printed out number stickers and got everyone's names on paper, the last thing i wanted to do was lose one of them! They are all so well behaved that
We walked around the corner to the vehicles and then was amazed (in my naive western head) to find that the kids didn't want to get into the air conditioned trucks - they were too cold! This is so hard to imagine for us foreigners that are always trying to escape the heat, but for
We found the theatre, the kids lined up and we filed in! Thursday nights are rehearsal nights, which is why
The shadow puppetry was a definite hit, its something they might not have seen on that scale before, it's all very simple with a white light shining onto a big piece of white cloth but the affects are great.

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