Madagascar Crew Reunites
It comes with the nature of working overseas - catching up with close friends doesn't happen often but when it does it's always a lot of fun.
Jaap and Sarah have been in Kenya for a few years now. They returned home for a visit and Sarah decided to host a Madagascar reunion weekend at her parents place. It was filled with a lot of alcohol (namely Madagascan rum and lots of fresh mint), lots of stories of times past, a lot of bitchin and moaning about Frontier, some croquet, a bit of bowling, and lots of laughs. A few people were missing but all in all we did well to get the number we did in the country at one time.
Sarah had cooked a massive meal, which was fantastic. We really did just sit around and enjoy each others company. I had returned with a few Cuban cigars that went down well with the boys. I think at about 4 am we were told to shut my Sarah's mum and dad! The next morning we cooked
up a massive English breakfast, which helped to suck up the hangover. Emily and Bash then showed up, which was great. Emily announced that she was pregnant - she's such a natural mum so great news. I think she was about 3 months at that point. We played a bit of croquet - i thought being English i should have been really good but i really did suck. I wasn't the only one though - i have a feeling that the Dutchman did pretty well or have i got that wrong! I thought i would redeem myself at the bowling. I did for a while but soon enough lost my form and ended up doing pretty badly. Anyway all in all it was a fantastic weekend. Hopefully another one will follow in the not too distant future.