The Ashes in Brisbane
So i've never been a massive fan, but any chance the England might beat Austr
alia and i'm there! The first day of the Ashes was in Brisbane, it was a big deal for a lot of people, and we made it into an all day event. It was great fun. Pete and I (the only English reps) proudly wore our England shirts - maybe in retrospect this wasn't such a good idea! We started drinking at about 9am, we sat in the
boiling sun, in the heat for until about 2pm! Although the game was a little uninteresting and England got rather dominated we all had a fantastic time. It was great to experience such a big event with a whole bunch of friends. We carried on to a bar after the game had finished and our group got interviewed by a BBC Radio One DJ. Pete and I knew who he was - i don't think anyone else did. I think he was quite taken by our group and did this hold news flash story on us. It aired the next day in the UK - both Pete and i said some very silly things! Oh well i don't think anyone heard it.